
SCR 1000 : Live animals dog, cat

Weight Range价格(泰铢)
1-10 KG.1,000
11-20 KG.1,500
21-30 KG.2,000
31-60 KG.2,500

Special cargo service as Live animals dog, cat (AVI) can accept for BKK-USM vv. USM-HKT vv. and Export from BKK as BKK-THS, BKK-LPT, BKK-TDX Operated by ATR 72 only

  • Shipper needs to bring the animal health certificate (document issues within 24 hrs.) for show to airlines staff. Additionally, the booking should be made one day prior or 24 hours before the departure time.
  • In case of export to Trat, shipper must show an official permit for the movement of animal issued by local government veterinary authority.
  • Pet must be at least 8 weeks old
  • 很遗憾,怀孕、受伤、生病或气味强烈的宠物,航空公司不予受理。
  • Some aircraft do not have the appropriate facilities for AVI service. Please contact please contact to (+66) 2-134-3886 for more details.
  • 宠物主人自理笼子或合适的容器,每个笼中限 1 只宠物。
  • Water container must be attached within the pet container with outside or inside access of filling.
  • 宠物主人必须接受航空运输的所有风险,比如,他们的宠物在飞行过程中受伤、生病或死亡。
  • The following list of Brachycephalic breeds (snub-nosed dogs), some dog breeds and cat 5 breeds are not allowed to be accepted as checked baggage (AVIH) or transported in the cargo compartment for the reason of safety and well-being of these special kind of pets with
    25 有风险的犬种包括
    1. 美国斗牛犬/斗牛犬
    2. 美国斯塔福德郡梗犬
    3. 美国斗牛梗
    4. 波士顿梗犬
    5. 拳师犬
    6. 布鲁塞尔格林芬犬
    7. 斗牛犬
    8. 中国巴哥犬
    9. 松狮犬
    10. 荷兰巴哥犬
    11. 英国斗牛犬
    12. 英国小猎犬
    13. 法国斗牛犬
    14. 拉萨阿普索犬
    15. 日本拳师犬
    16. 日本巴哥犬
    17. 日本狆
    18. 獒犬(全犬种)
    19. 狮子狗
    20. 比特犬
    21. 巴哥犬
    22. 沙皮狗
    23. 西施犬
    24. 斯塔福德郡梗犬
    25. 西藏猎犬
    5 Cat breeds at risk include:
    1. Burmese and American Burmese
    2. British Shorthair
    3. Himalayan
    4. Persian
    5. Exotic Shorthair
    注意:These restrictions also apply to cross-breeds of the above mentioned breeds.
机型Limited Number of Pet/FlightDimension (CM)/Kennel
Width x Length x Height
Total Weight of Pet and Kennel Include Water / Per Kennel
ATR 72280 x 45 x 6520 KG.
A3192100 x 60 x 7560 KG.
A3203100 x 60 x 7560 KG.

备注:Available service for aircraft type ATR 72 only.
For further information, please contact to (+66) 2-134-3886.

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